Also, pipes without a substantial amount of wood can be a bit hot. A churchwarden is a long pipe which is often selected specifically for the fact that it tends to be cooler than most, and is certainly a good choice for the hot smoker. A calabash may only measure as little as six inches in total, but with the deep bend, and the chamber underneath the bowl, the smoke has to travel a much greater distance than that. The first and most obvious thing is the length of the pipe, not necessarily the length from button to bowl, but the total length of the drafthole. The selection of the pipe will certainly make a big difference on smoking temperature.

Of course, if you don’t like the smoky flavor of this black leaf, that won’t be of any real help at all. Overall, I find Latakia-based blends to be the coolest smoking. Also, if you don’t have an aversion to Perique, the addition of this flavorful leaf can bring down the combustion temperature enough to make Virginias more manageable. If your tastes run toward Virginias, but the heat is too much, smoking them in flake form, and not rubbing them out too much can certainly help. In the case of Virginias, letting them get too dry can be a huge problem, as they will fire up readily. Virginia tobaccos will tend to burn hotter because of the high sugar level. Thankfully, there aren’t all that many blends like that, but when used, these tobaccos can be a real problem. Very moist, flavored tobaccos, especially when there’s a lot of humectant added (which maintain higher moisture levels), can smoke hot, as it’s nearly impossible to dry them down to a useable level. The type of tobacco can certainly be an influence. Of course, matches can be inconvenient and ineffective under certain circumstances, so use of a lighter can be unavoidable.

Matches burn at 600 to 800 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas butane soft-flame lighters run over 1900 degrees. What a smoker uses to light the pipe will also have an impact. MORE READING Curing Methods and Tobacco Types A lot of this type of difficulty can be avoided by allowing your tobacco to dry out a bit by taking a bowlful out of its package and allowing it to sit out on a piece of paper for 45 minutes to an hour before packing. When you combine the more frequent puffing with additional water content, the result will be steam, and that is much more likely to burn your tongue than smoke. Also, moist tobacco compresses (and stays compressed) more easily, which can lead to overpacking.

It’s the primary reason my own blends tend somewhat to the dry side. Moisture content of the tobacco will also have an impact on heat issues. A widely used alternative approach that many swear by is the Frank method, which takes a little practice, but I’ve found it to be quite effective.
The most common is the "three-layer" approach, which I’ve described in an article " How to Pack a Pipe". There are a number of packing methods that will solve this. To exacerbate the problem, the common "cure" is to overuse the tamper, leading to making the draw too tight and that’s fundamentally the same as overpacking. Packing too loosely will cause the same problem, as the smoke stream will be too thin.

Of course, that will turn a pipe into a furnace. If a pipe is packed too tightly, it will cause the smoker to puff harder and more often in an attempt to get a decent amount of smoke. I’m quite positive that the number one reason for getting a pipe too hot is improper packing. So I’ll lay out some strategies and tips to mitigate the dreaded leathertongue. This most often happens because they don’t have sufficient guidance and buy less-than-stellar products, but also because no one is there to help them learn how to pack and smoke a pipe. Want to master Microsoft Excel and take your work-from-home job prospects to the next level? Jump-start your career with our Premium A-to-Z Microsoft Excel Training Bundle from the new Gadget Hacks Shop and get lifetime access to more than 40 hours of Basic to Advanced instruction on functions, formula, tools, and more.I have contended over the years that the main reason so many people have tried a pipe and have subsequently given it up is because they frequently burn their tongue. (1) Part 1 of 7 - How to Smoke a tobacco pipe, (2) Part 2 of 7 - How to Smoke a tobacco pipe, (3) Part 3 of 7 - How to Smoke a tobacco pipe, (4) Part 4 of 7 - How to Smoke a tobacco pipe, (5) Part 5 of 7 - How to Smoke a tobacco pipe, (6) Part 6 of 7 - How to Smoke a tobacco pipe, (7) Part 7 of 7 - How to Smoke a tobacco pipe Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.